ETSC event addresses speed management

By / 14 years ago / Latest News / No Comments

It is estimated that speeding contributes to as much as one third of all crashes resulting in death, and it is the most important contributory factor to road deaths and injuries. The ETSC says that new ambitious targets and strong measures to reduce road death and serious injury by 2020 are expected in the new programme by the road safety community when it is published this spring.

At today's event, experts were invited to demonstrate how each element of the road transport system can be improved to tackle speed.

Ian Aspinall spoke about the National Driver Offender Retraining Scheme that has successfully been implemented in the UK, with clear evidence that after attending the scheme offenders have safer and more responsible attitudes towards road user behaviour than before.

Professor Oliver Carsten spoke about the safety potential that can be attained with the deployment of ISA systems, a technology that lets vehicles "know" the speed limit of the roads on which they are driven, and inform the driver or act upon the driving task to facilitate compliance with speed limits.

Professor Fred Wegman spoke about the infrastructure improvements that can be made to help drivers behave safely, as embodied by the Dutch sustainable safety approach.

Professionals from public administrations at the European level (European Commission), the national level (the Swedish Road Administration), and the regional level (the Province of Limburg) also spoke at the conference, as well as a speaker responsible for the management of infrastructures (Autostrade per l'Italia, who talked about the "Tutor" section control system recently installed in Italy to enforce speed). Meanwhile a speaker from private company Preem, talked about safe fleet management.

The ETSC added: 'Speed management is an area of road safety work that has been and continues to be extensively investigated, and many solutions exist. While political commitment is needed, individuals from all sectors and at all levels of society can still play a role in demonstrating and implementing these solutions. Using our road network and being exposed to excessive and illegal speeding by other road users is a daily reality for all of us, and we can all act to reduce speeding.'

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