Government to crack down on drug-driving

By / 11 years ago / Latest News / No Comments

The latest announcement follows the news that a new offence of driving with a specific controlled drug in the body above the specified limit for that drug is to be introduced

Now Roads minister Stephen Hammond has put forward proposals on the drugs to be included in the legislation and the limits to be specified.

The proposals follow a report published in March this year by a panel of medical and scientific experts, which provided advice to the Government on drug driving.

Stephen Hammond said: ‘Drug driving is a menace which devastates families and ruins lives. That is why we are proposing to take a zero tolerance approach with those who drive under the influence of illegal drugs and sending a clear message that this behaviour will not be tolerated.

‘We have also put forward our proposals for dealing with drivers who use specific prescribed drugs. We know that the vast majority of people who use these drugs are doing so responsibly and safely and that is why our approach does not unduly penalise drivers who have taken properly prescribed medicines.

‘Together, these proposals will make our roads safer for everyone by making it easier for the police to tackle those who drive after taking illegal drugs and clarifying the position for those who take medication.’

Under the plans, the limits will be at a level that does not catch someone who has consumed a very small amount of an illegal drug inadvertently.

The zero-tolerance approach will cover eight controlled drugs hat are known to impair driving will be covered: Cannabis, MDMA (Ecstasy), Cocaine, Ketamine, Benzoylecgonine (primary metabolite of cocaine), Methamphetamine, Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD), 6-monoacetylmorphine (6-MAM – heroin and diamorphine).

In addition, the Government proposes to set limits for eight controlled drugs that have recognised and widespread medical uses but which can also affect a patient's ability to drive. These are clonazepam, diazepam, flunitrazepam, lorazepam, methadone, morphine, oxazepam and temazepam.

The announcement has been greeted by road safety charity Brake. Julie Townsend, deputy chief executive, said: ‘Brake has campaigned for many years for the law on drug driving to be improved, to enable more deadly drug drivers to be caught and prosecuted before they cause destruction. We therefore welcome progress being made by government and hope to see this continuing apace, including roadside screeners being approved through the Home Office in time for this important new law coming into force.’

The consultation closes on 17th September 2013.

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